Showing posts with label IELTS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IELTS. Show all posts

Monday, 29 September 2014

IELTS Speaking Part One

نصائح لإجتياز المهمة الأولى لاختبار التحدث في الأيلتس بنجاح: 

1)      حافظ على هدوئك، كن واثق بنفسك وحافظ على التواصل البصري بينك وبين الممتحن

2)      لا تتحدث بأسلوب رتيب وخالي من الحماسة

3)      حاول ألا تستخدم كلمات بسيطة جداً لا تعطي معنى كأن تقول:
I like football because it is good.

You can say:
                                      I like football because it’s full of excitement.

4)      عندما يوجه إليك سؤال حاول أن تظهر قدراتك في اللغة الإنجليزية من خلال إعطاء إجابات كاملة – إبتعد عن الإجابات المختصرة
What’s your favourite hobby?  
I enjoy running (Don't stop there!) because I like getting outdoors and enjoy fresh air.

Friday, 2 September 2011

Describing trends

Sales of audio cassettes fell steadily.

The number of books sold rose gradually

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Vocabulary for IELTS graph description

There are many verbs, adjectives and adverbs used to describe trends
  • Verbs
    • rose (to), increased (to), went up (to), climbed (to)
These verbs show that the trend was going upwards

    • fell (to), declined (to), decreased (to), dropped (to), went down (to), reduced (to)
These verbs show that the trend was going downwards 

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The IELTS academic writing test

The academic writing test in the IELTS exam lasts for 60 minutes.

The writing test contains 2 compulsory tasks, namely task 1 and task 2. In task 1, you are required to describe graphs, bar charts, pie charts and diagrams in a report of 150 words. This task should be completed in 20 minutes. In Task 2, however, you are given an essay title on a general subject and you should write at least 250 words in 40 minutes.